Variegated Pothos Varieties: With Best Care Guide, Information and Tips to Grow

This comprehensive guide covers all environmental conditions essential for the growth of variegated pothos like pH, soil composition, humidity, temperature, water and sunlight requirements. In this guide answers to all questions like; the reason for the production of variegated pothos, the solutions to all the problems  related to variegated pothos like, why no more variegation patterns in pothos? and why are pothos leaves changing from green to yellow?techniques to induce variegation, fertilizers which are good for pothos growth and which types of pots would be best for their growth? are all well described here.

Variegated pothos plants are a great way to add a beautiful and vibrant touch of greenery to any home or office.With the right care, these attractive and easy-to-grow plants can thrive for years to come.These plants are perfect for those who don’t have a green thumb but still want to enjoy the benefits of having a houseplant. Knowing the guidelines for how to grow is the key to ensuring that your plant is healthy and vibrant.This article will explain the basics of how to care for your Pothos plant and provide you with guidelines on how to ensure it grows and thrives.

Pothos Plant Biological History, Importance and Origin

Variegated Pothos is a stunning houseplant with its beautiful green, white and yellow leaves. It has an interesting origin that dates back to tropical forests of Southeast Asia. This plant has been around for centuries, however its popularity in Europe increased in the 1800s when it was brought over from the Philippines.

The variegated pothos is actually a mutation of the traditional pothos plant, which still grows abundantly in tropical climates like India and Indonesia. Its unique coloration comes from a recessive gene that results in fewer chloroplasts – meaning less green pigment and more white or yellow coloring – making it one of the most sought-after plants today!

This hardy species doesn’t require much care to thrive; aside from regular watering, occasional pruning can help maintain its shape and encourage healthy new growth.

Traits of Variegated Pothos

With its bright, bold foliage, it’s no wonder why this plant has become so beloved by many. But before you set out to purchase one of these lovely plants for your own home, be sure to learn about the types and what characteristics they possess. The most common type of variegated pothos is called ‘Marble Queen’. This particular variety can reach up to 6 feet long with white and green leaves that are shaped like hearts or ovals. Another popular variegation is the ‘Manjula’ which features darker green leaves with splotches of white or yellow throughout them; these plants may grow up to 8 feet tall in ideal conditions.

pH and Composition Soil

When caring for variegated pothos like golden pothos, one of the most important factors to consider is the soil’s pH and composition. This type of plant thrives in slightly acidic soil with a pH level between 5.5 and 6.5; however, it can also survive in mildly alkaline soil with a pH level between 6.5 and 7.5. To ensure optimal growth, use a potting mix that contains peat moss or coir, which will help maintain an ideal moisture balance as well as provide essential nutrients for your plant’s health. Additionally, adding compost or fertilizer to the soil will provide extra nutrition for your variegated pothos to thrive in its new environment.

Temperature, Humidity and Water Requirements

It’s a great choice for beginner gardeners as it requires minimal care and attention, but like all plants, there are certain temperature, humidity and water requirements that must be met in order for the variegated pothos to thrive. The variegated pothos prefers temperatures between 65°F-80°F (18°C-26°C). Humidity levels should remain moderate (between 40%-60%) during the growing season. Watering should occur when the top inch of soil has dried out; however, avoid overwatering as this may cause root rot or discoloration of leaves for example in case of  any type of pothos like golden pothos  or neon pothos this care is required..

How much Sunlight is required to grow Pothos?

Variegated pothos require a bright location to grow but there are some other types of this plant which can tolerate and grow in higher daylight than others, for example neon pothos and golden pothos. White leaves of this plant are weaker in nature that’s why these white leaves are easily susceptible to sunburn as compared to green leaves. Sometimes if your pothos plants are unable to get the required amount of light then this condition will lead to turning your green pothos into white pothos which are sometimes known as albino(albo) pothos by their appearance.

How Variegated Pothos produced by the Mutation of cells?

The mutation of these cells generally occurs when two different species come together or when one species experiences some kind of genetic alteration due to environmental changes such as temperature shifts or other external stimuli. As a result, the plant produces distinctive foliage with white variegation patterns throughout its leaves. This mutation making them unique in both appearance and care requirements.

Pothos Growth Rate

Variegated pothos (Epipremnum aureum) is an evergreen, trailing vine that’s often seen growing in hanging baskets or as floor plants. Understanding how quickly they grow can help you decide which varieties best fit your space and lifestyle.

The growth rate of variegated pothos depends on the variety purchased, local climate/environmental conditions, and how well the plant is cared for. In terms of light exposure and humidity levels, many varieties will do well in regular room temperatures without too much extra attention. 

What if Variegated Pothos don’t show Variegated Pattern and How can we get it back

Losing the variegated pattern can be a disheartening experience for a plant lover. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to restore your variegated pothos and get back its vibrant colors. Variegated pothos can lose their patterns for various reasons. One of these reasons is too much shade or not enough bright light; another cause could be incorrect soil pH levels or poor nutrition. In some cases, underwater plants may also lack the vibrant colors they once had. To restore your lost variegation, make sure you provide enough sunlight and trim off any discolored leaves to allow healthy foliage to grow faster.

How to get more Variegation?

When it comes to getting more variegation in our existing plants, many of us are left scratching our heads. Fortunately, there are some easy steps we can take to increase the amount of variegation in our pothos. In this we will cover to get healthy pothos plants with three simple tips.

First off, you’ll want to make sure that your plant is receiving the right amount of light for its needs. Variegated varieties need bright indirect sunlight or fluorescent lighting for best results. Too little light can cause the leaves to lose their color, so make sure your plant is getting enough light without becoming scorched from direct sunlight.

Why do the leaves become Yellow or Brown?

Variegated pothos, also known as the “Money Plant,”. However, some people find themselves wondering why the leaves of their variegated pothos start turning from green to yellow or brown.

The answer lies within how this plant gets its coloration. This plant contains a gene that creates white pigmentation along its leaf veins, which adds unique color variations to the green foliage. Without enough access to sunlight and nutrients, however, these white stripes will fade away and turn yellow or brown over time. The same process can happen if you place your variegated pothos in direct sunlight for too long; though it does need some sun exposure to thrive!

Why do the leaves become Yellow or Brown

Types of Variegated Pothos

In addition to the classic golden pothos, there are several varieties of variegated pothos available to suit a variety of home decor styles. From bold and bright to subtle and elegant, here’s an overview of the types available.

Marble Queen is a popular variety with creamy white leaves with green splashes in random patterns. This type grows quickly, creating full trailing vines that brighten up any room in no time at all. Neon Pothos stands out from other varieties with its electric neon yellow-green coloring on the edges of its leaves.

All types of Variegated Pothos

Marble Queen

The Marble Queen Pothos is an ornamental houseplant that adds unique texture and color to any indoor space. Its glossy, heart-shaped foliage is variegated in white, green, and yellow hues to create a stunning piece of living decor. Though easy to care for, the Marble Queen Pothos does have specific needs to thrive. Here’s what you need to know about your plant’s care: how much light it needs, proper soil drainage, watering frequency and more! With just minimal effort this will bring life and vibrancy into your home year-round. Whether you’re a seasoned plant parent or looking for your first greenery addition – this low maintenance variety is the perfect choice!


N Joy is a must-have for any houseplant enthusiast or beginner. It’s a beautiful, easy-to-care plant that comes in multiple colors and sizes. N Joy is one of the most popular types of variegated pothos. When deciding where to place it in your home, consider areas with bright indirect light and moderate temperatures between 16°C and 24°C. Also make sure the soil stays evenly moist but not soggy—watering when the top inch of soil feels dry should do the trick!

Pearls and Jade

Pearls and Jade pothos leaves boast creamy white centers with spots of bright green radiating out from the center, giving it an almost marbled look. This tropical evergreen plant adds a touch of the exotic to any living space. If properly cared for, these vining plants can reach up to 10 feet in length, making them an ideal choice for hanging baskets or trained along string supports. Pearls and Jade Pothos also make a great tabletop or floor planter specimen. To keep your Pothos healthy and thriving be sure to provide occasional pruning of leggy stems, and monthly fertilizer applications during spring through fall months.

Snow Queen

The Snow Queen is a unique cultivar of variegated pothos plants. It is prized for its stunning snow white and dark green foliage. This bushy climbing vine can reach heights up to eight feet tall indoors, making it an excellent choice for those looking to create a lush vertical garden in their space. It prefers bright indirect light and slightly moist soil that should be allowed to dry out between waterings. This variety of pothos also benefits from monthly fertilization and occasional pruning to promote healthy growth and abundant foliage.

Golden Pothos

The Golden Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) is a vining plant that  is also known as “Devil’s Ivy” due to its resilience and ability to grow under most conditions. Its foliage varies from solid green to variegated yellow/green colors, giving it an extra touch of elegance in the home or garden setting. This hardy plant is relatively drought-resistant, requiring occasional watering only when soil dries out completely.

Neon Pothos

It’s known for its striking variegated pattern on its leaves which feature bright yellow and green hues. When it comes to taking care of your Variegated Neon Pothos, there are a few key things to keep in mind that is proper sunlight with required water and to  keep them in well-draining soil at all times.

Manjula Pothos

It has creamy white and pale yellow variegated foliage.Native to South-East Asia, Manjula pothos is known by many names including Golden Pothos, Ceylon Creeper and Devil’s Ivy. This hardy plant can tolerate neglectful watering conditions, low humidity levels and prefers bright indirect light in pots or hanging baskets. When given proper care, the vines on Manjula pothos will reach lengths up to 8 feet long!

Satin Pothos

Satin pothos, also known as Scindapsus pictus ‘Argyraeus’ has silvery foliage with green veins. When it comes to caring, the main thing to remember is not to overwater it. The soil should be kept slightly moist and allowed to dry out before waterings. It’s important that your potting mix drains well and doesn’t retain too much water either or else you’ll end up with root rot in no time!

Harlequin Pothos

Harlequin pothos, or Epipremnum aureum ‘Marble Queen’, is an incredibly indoor plant.The golden and white variegated leaves make this variety of pothos especially eye-catching. This robust vine can grow up to 8 feet long in ideal conditions. Keeping soil evenly moist but not soggy, and providing good air circulation around the plant and good light exposure is necessary for them.

How to induce Variegation in the Pothos?

The first step in inducing variegation is understanding why it happens. It occurs when one or more of the pigments responsible for coloring leaves are either not produced or produced at very low levels. This can be due to genetics or environmental factors like light exposure, temperature, humidity levels, and too much fertilizer use.

Techniques to induce Variegation?

Variegation refers to the distinctive white and green striped pattern of leaves which can be induced in pothos for example variegation in golden pothos and other pothos can be done through strategic cultivation techniques. To achieve a variegated pattern, there are two key factors to consider: light intensity and temperature fluctuations.

The first approach is by providing intense light exposure in the range of 4500-6000 lumens for 12 hours per day. High levels of light will create a strong contrast between the bright, white stripes on the leaf surface and the vibrant green undertones. Temperature variation also plays an important role in inducing variegation, as cooler temperatures during night time can increase the amount of white pigmentation in each leaf.

Ethyl Methanesulfonate Technique

The Ethyl Methanesulfonate Technique is a method used to induce variegation in the Pothos. The technique, which was discovered by Japanese researchers in 2002, involves using ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) to mutate a portion of the plant’s chloroplast genome. This results in random mutations and pigmentation changes within the leaves of the plant. Variegated pothos plants boast dramatic colorations of green, white and yellow that are highly sought after by gardeners and houseplant enthusiasts alike.

Caring requires extra attention due to their delicate nature. They need bright indirect light and should be watered only once the soil has dried out completely between waterings – overwatering can quickly lead to root rot or other problems such as nutrient deficiencies due to leaching from too much water.

Through Radiations

However, the variegation in the leaves is a highly sought-after feature that many gardeners are looking to cultivate. Fortunately, with some careful radiation techniques, it is possible to induce desired variegation in your pothos plant.

Radiations work by hypothetically damaging or killing parts of the plant’s chloroplasts which are responsible for producing green pigments in foliage. This damage will cause areas of the leaf or stem to lose their chlorophyll and become white or yellow depending on what type of radiation is used.

Through Transposing

Transposing is a technique used to induce variegation in plants when a plant has more than one color of foliage and results in an aesthetically pleasing look. Transposing is done by cutting off a portion of the stem and then placing it onto another part of the plant. It requires careful preparation and attention to detail for successful implementation.

When transposing, choose a healthy section of stem that has several mature leaves on it and make sure to thoroughly clean your tools before proceeding with the process. Gently remove any existing roots from both stems so they can be placed together without any interruptions or issues arising later on in the growth process.

Soil Composition

Soil composition is an important aspect of Variegated Pothos care. These plants require well-draining soil that maintains the right balance of moisture and nutrients. The ideal soil mix should contain a combination of equal parts peat moss, perlite, and potting soil. This will help to retain moisture while providing adequate drainage and aeration for healthy plant growth.

When planting variegated pothos in containers, be sure to use a lightweight potting mix specifically designed for houseplants. Mixing in some organic matter such as compost or aged manure can help to promote healthy root development and improve the soil’s overall structure. To further improve drainage, add some small rocks or coarse sand at the bottom of the container before adding the potting mix.

Temperature, Humidity and Water Requirements

Growing in its native Southeast Asia, this plant can survive in numerous conditions ranging from low light to high humidity. With proper temperature, humidity and water requirements met, variegated pothos will thrive indoors.

The ideal temperature range for variegated pothos is between 65-85°F. This plant thrives in average humidity levels of 40-60%. To maintain these levels it is important not to allow the air around the plant to dry out or become too cold. To keep your variegated pothos hydrated you should water it regularly with lukewarm water when the top inch of soil feels dry; however be sure not to over water as this could lead to root rot.

Disease that Attacks Variegated Pothos

There is one thing to watch out for when caring for these beloved plants – an incurable disease called Colletotrichum Leaf Spot Disease (CLSD).

CLSD is caused by a fungal infection which can appear as dark spots or lesions on the surface of the leaves. Some infected plants may even begin to lose their beautiful foliage color due to the severity of the infection. Unfortunately, there is no known cure for CLSD and it can spread quickly from one plant to another if not properly treated early on.

If your pothos have white spots, then it is an alarming situation for you to be careful of your plant because it may be  due to a disease called powdery mildew that is a common fungal infection.

Fertilizers used for Variegated Pothos

Fertilizers are an essential part of ensuring your variegated pothos are in optimal health. Variegated pothos can grow indoors and outdoors, and the care they receive will depend on their location. When caring for variegated pothos, it’s important to understand what type of fertilizer should be used to maintain healthy growth.

When it comes to fertilizing a plant, water-soluble liquid fertilizers are the best option. They provide all the nutrients needed for healthy growth and don’t leave residue behind that could damage or stain your furniture or other surfaces in your home. The fertilizer should be applied every two weeks during active growing seasons, typically spring through fall if kept outdoors and year-round if kept indoors.

Best Type of Pots 

While the care for this plant is relatively easy, there are several types of pots that are best suited for successful variegated pothos growth.

The most important factor when choosing a pot is good drainage. Variegated pothos need soil that adequately drains excess water, which can be accomplished with plastic or ceramic containers with drainage holes at the bottom. Clay pots should also have drainage holes to ensure proper aeration and reduce the chance of root rot. Additionally, plastic pots tend to retain more heat than clay or ceramic pots, making them better suited for variegated pothos grown indoors during winter months.


Variegated pothos which is a beautiful plant with all of its specific traits like bright and bold foliage, due to which this plant has become so beloved by many people.But there are some specific guidelines that are necessary to fulfill to ensure their healthy growth and to protect them from different diseases like proper pH, good composition of soil,proper amount of sunlight, use of fertilizers and proper quantity of water because sometimes over watering can cause damage to leaves. Climatic conditions like temperature also play an important role in their healthy growth. Some techniques like EMS,  use of radiations and transposing have been  proven in inducing the variegation in pothos.

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