Best Monstera Adansonii Varieties: How to Identify the Differences

Monstera Adansonii has become a very popular houseplant due to its attractive appearance. In this comprehensive guide you will learn how to identify the different varieties of Monstera Adansonii. You will also discover the unique characteristics of each variety  which make them easy to be recognized and find out which is best suited for your garden! In this guide you will also learn about their care requirements, growth habits, and foliage variations and different growth conditions that are required for their healthy growth

Monstera Adansonii, also known as Swiss Cheese Plant, Window Leaf Plant or Mexican Breadfruit, is one of the most popular houseplants among plant enthusiasts. Not only is it easy to care for, but also has an attractive lush foliage with unique leaf patterns. Its distinctive leaves have numerous holes and lobes that give it its name. This family of plants consists of several varieties that have different leaf shapes, colors and sizes, with some having larger leaves than others. In this article, we will explore some of the varieties available in the species, from the classic Swiss Cheese Plant to some lesser known variations.

Monstera Varieties and Differences Among Them

There are several varieties of this plant available on the market, each exhibiting its own characteristics and growth habits. Understanding the differences for identification between these monstera adansonii varieties will help you choose the right one for your space.

The most popular variety is called “Monkey Mask” because of its perforated leaves that look like monkey faces when viewed from certain angles. This variety grows more slowly than other types and produces fewer aerial roots than others in the family.

This plant as come in many shapes and sizes, which can be difficult for novice gardeners to identify. To help distinguish the different varieties of this plant, there are several key characteristics to look for when examining the plant.

The first trait is the size of its leaves; some varieties may have larger/giant leaves with more holes than others or sport differently shaped leaves from one another. The second characteristic is overall growth habit; some plants may be sprawling while others climb up trellises or other support structures with their aerial roots. Additionally, it’s important to note that some varieties may grow much faster than others or produce more flowers/fruit at maturity.

Origin and Biological History

This is a tropical plant native to Central America, Mexico and Panama. It’s leathery leaves that get up to 40 cm long and 20 cm wide. In its natural habitat, it grows on tree trunks or rocks in shady areas of the jungle, using aerial roots to attach itself. The origin of Monstera Adansonii dates back to 1763 when French explorer Louis Claude Marie Richard first documented and collected specimens from Mexico during his travels. The plant was later named after Michel Adanson, a French naturalist who studied the flora of Senegal during his time as an apprentice at the Jardin des Plants in Paris. It is part of the Araceae family, which includes a wide variety of plants such as philodendrons and anthuriums.

Traits of Monstera

As this plant has heart-shaped leaves with uniquely cut edges, which make it popular. Not only is this plant aesthetically pleasing, but it also has a variety of useful traits that make it ideal for sprucing up any living space.

One of the most attractive features of this plant is its resilience when exposed to challenging conditions. This hardy plant can thrive both indoors and outdoors, as long as its location offers bright light but not direct sunlight. Furthermore, it doesn’t require frequent watering; an occasional misting will usually suffice. Additionally, this versatile climber can be trained to grow up trees or along fences if planted out in the garden setting.

Climate, Ideal Temperature, Habitat, Humidity, and Water requirements for Monstera Growth

To ensure your Monstera Adansonii thrives, it is best to understand the climate, habitat, humidity, water requirements and ideal temperature for this plant species.

The preferred climate for this plant  involves bright indirect sunlight with temperatures between 65 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. It should not be exposed directly to too much sunlight as this can damage its leaves and cause them to dry out or even burn. In terms of habitat, both soil-based and hydroponic systems are suitable for growing this plant; however, hydroponic systems tend to be more efficient in providing adequate nutrition for optimal growth.

Soil Composition and pH Requirements

This lush tropical plant requires a specific soil composition and pH level for proper growth and health. When it comes to soil type, this plant prefers a mix of peat moss, perlite and/or vermiculite. Allowing adequate drainage is key when planting this variety as they are prone to root rot if left in overly wet soil. To ensure an optimal environment for this plant, aim for a slightly acidic pH level of around 6-6.5 since these plants prefer more acidity than neutral or basic soils.

When to Repotting of Monstera Adansonii

When it comes to houseplant care, repotting your Monstera Adansonii is a key task to keep them thriving. As this tropical evergreen climber originates from the rainforests of Central and South America, they need plenty of humidity and warmth. While the process of repotting requires a bit of effort. To help make sure you’re caring for this lush jungle beauty in the best way possible, here are some guidelines on when to repot your Monstera Adansonii.

It’s recommended that you check on your plant every 6-12 months for signs that it needs more space in its pot or fresh soil. Symptoms like roots growing out through drainage holes or soil drying up too quickly indicate that the time for repotting has come.

Available Types of this Monstera Adansonii

The most common type of Monstera Adansonii is the Albo Variegata variety which has deep green leaves with light yellow splotches along the edges. Another popular variety is Supernova which has light green leaves marked with dark green spots and streaks. The Borsigiana variety offers large deeply cut leaves covered in splashes of white and cream throughout the surface area. Monstera esqueleto  is larger in size as compared to adansonii and it has huge fenestrated leaves.

  1. Monstera round and narrow Leaves
  2. Monstera Variegata
  3. Monstera Obliqua
  4. Monstera Laniata
  5. Monstera Acuminata
  6. Monstera Lechleriana
  7. Monstera Archipelago
  8. Monstera Friedrichsthalii
  9. Monstera Epipremnoides

Also Read: Monstera Plant: Best Care Guide, Information and Tips to Grow and Properly Diagnose Damages

All the available varieties of Monstera

Monstera Round and Narrow Leaves: Traits and Appearance

It has characteristic large oval shaped leaves with holes in them, hence its nickname. These special leaves are easily recognizable and can often be seen cascading down from hanging planters. This plant also has two variations of foliage that differ slightly in shape: round and narrow leaves.

Round monstera adansonii leaves are the most common type of foliage found on this plant species. They measure anywhere from 8 to 12 inches long and have deep sinus lobes with pronounced splits or elliptical holes through their centers which give it the iconic “swiss cheese” look. These holes are actually natural growth patterns that allow them to absorb more light than regular shaped foliage plants would be able to do.

Monstera Variegata: Traits and Appearance

Monstera adansonii variegata, also known as the Variegated Swiss Cheese Plant, is a stunning evergreen plant native to the tropical rainforests of Mexico and Guatemala. With its lush green foliage accented by bright yellow streaks. It is an incredibly hardy species that can tolerate a range of conditions from full sun to partial shade. The most prominent feature of this variety are its distinctively shaped leaves with deep lobes and holes which give it its name. Growing up to 10 feet tall and wide, Monstera adansonii variegata makes for a striking addition to any garden or home interior when trained onto supports such as trellis or wires.Variegation is basically form as a result of mutation in genes therefore these plants can only be grown from already existing variegated plant through the process of propagation which make these plants very rare. This type of plant also can’t be grown through seeds.

Variegated Obliqua: Traits and Appearance

Monstera obliqua is a species of flowering evergreen vine, commonly referred to as the Swiss Cheese Plant. This fascinating plant has distinctive leaves with unique perforations that resemble Swiss cheese. Native to Central and South America, this tropical plant can be grown indoors or outdoors in warm climates.The Monstera obliqua has large glossy green leaves that are shaped like an arrowhead and have deep splits along their edges. Ranging from 15-20 cm in length and 8-10 cm wide, the leaves become thicker and more cut as they mature. When grown in optimal conditions, these plants can grow up to 6 meters tall with a width of 2 meters! As the plant grows older it starts producing creamy white flowers that produce yellow-orange fruit when pollinated properly. The fruit is edible but not recommended for eating due to its mildly toxic properties.

Monstera Laniata: Traits and Appearance

Monstera adansonii laniata, commonly known as the Swiss cheese plant, is a fast-growing evergreen plant with stunning foliage.Its vibrant leaves can reach a length of up to three feet and have distinctive cutouts along their edges, giving the leaves their namesake texture. The Monstera adansonii laniata is native to Mexico and Central America where it grows as an epiphytic vine climbing up large trees in tropical forests.Its striking patterned foliage adds beauty and texture to interior spaces. Monstera laniata for sale is available in the market.

Monstera Acuminata: Traits and Appearance

Monstera acuminata, also known as the Fruiting Monstera or Mexican Breadfruit plant, is a tropical perennial climbing vine native to Panama. It is noted for its iconic large leaves with deep lobes and its edible fruit that resemble a pineapple-banana hybrid. This species of Monstera is one of the most popular and hardiest of the genus. The Monstera Acuminata grows well indoors in bright indirect sunlight but can also tolerate lower light than many other plants in the family. Its glossy green foliage grows fast and can reach up to 10 feet tall when allowed to climb up a trellis or pole. The large split leaves have white patches that increase as the mature plant ages, providing an interesting contrast against the bright green foliage.

Monstera Lechleriana: Traits and Appearance

Monstera lechleriana is also native to Central and South America and is an evergreen perennial with glossy, dark green leaves. It has a vining habit that can reach up to 15 feet in height if allowed to grow naturally. It produces cream-colored spathe flowers in the springtime which are followed by edible fruits resembling pineapples.

This ornamental houseplant is often grown indoors as its size can easily be controlled when provided with proper pruning and support. Its leathery, fenestrated leaves are deeply lobed and have perforations similar to Swiss cheese. The leaf color varies depending on environmental conditions but generally remains a deep green hue under most lighting situations. A Monstera lechleriana will typically thrive in partial or full shade but may require additional light for optimal health purposes.

Monstera Archipelago: Traits and Appearance

Monstera adansonii variegata archipelago, commonly known as Swiss cheese plants or window leaf plants. Also native to tropical regions of Central and South America,. The plant has glossy heart-shaped leaves with deep splits along the leaf edge that give it a lacy look. Its aerial roots are also quite prominent and spread out from the stem like strings of spaghetti. It’s a fast-growing climbing vine that can reach up to 20 feet in length with maturity and prefers bright indirect sunlight along with frequent watering for optimal growth.

Monstera Friedrichsthalii: Traits and Appearance

Monstera adansonii fredrichsthalii also referred to as the Swiss cheese plant, this vibrant species leaves that resemble the texture of swiss cheese. Its dark green foliage creates a beautiful contrast against its bright yellow veins which run down its leaf stems. The mature Monstera adansonii friedrichsthalii can grow up to 10ft tall and 6ft wide, so it’s best suited for apartments with high ceilings or large homes where it has plenty of room to spread out. As an added benefit, this tropical species prefers indirect light and humidity-laden air .

Monstera Epipremnoides: Traits and Appearance

Monstera epipremnoides is an evergreen perennial vine. It is a member of the Araceae family and grows in upright, vining clumps that can reach up to 20 feet in height. This plant has two distinct traits which sets it apart from other members of its family.

First, Monstera epipremnoides features highly distinctive leaves with long elliptical blades that reach up to 18 inches wide and 8 inches long. These are usually a light green color with patterns of holes along their veins. Another distinct feature is the presence of aerial roots which grow outwards from each node along the stem and cling onto nearby surfaces as they climb. This gives Monstera epipremnum an appearance similar to ivy or other climbing plants.

Difference in Sunlight and Humidity Sensitivity of different Varieties of Monstera

While the Monstera Adansonii is one species, there are a number of varieties that can differ significantly in their sensitivity to sunlight and humidity.

The Variegated Monstera Adansonii variety is typically more sensitive than other varieties when it comes to direct sunlight. This variety needs very indirect light or even shade in order for its leaves not to burn or fade. On the other hand, the Albo Variegata Monstera Adansonii requires much more sun than other varieties and should be placed in bright light or even partial sun if possible.

Comparison between Monstera Adansonii and Swiss Cheese Philodendron

Both Monstera and philodendrons are part of a large family of plants called Araceae, which includes several distinct species. Despite their common ancestor, there are some key differences between these two luscious houseplants that make them unique from one another.

The first difference is in the leaf shape. Monstera’s leaves have deep splits or “holes” within them while philodendron leaves lack any such fenestration or visible gaps. Furthermore, Monsteras have thin aerial roots that hang down from the main stem while Philodendron has no aerial roots at all.


Monstera adansonii is a stunning plant due to its lush green foliage and its attractive leaf patterns which make it popular among people as a houseplant. This plant has some specific features which make it more popular like its resilience to face different environmental challenges like dryness and dehydration. Additionally this plant is eco-friendly and highly adaptable. This plant required some proper conditions like optimum pH, optimum temperature, sunlight and proper soil composition which are necessary for the healthy growth of this plant. This plant also has 9 different varieties which are difficult to be differentiated but some specific key points have been discussed in this article which make them easy to be recognized.

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